Sunday, March 25, 2007

Top 10 reasons why...

...we're not going to win the neighbor of the year award:

10. There are always at least 3 newspapers in our yard.

9. We don't rake the leaves until the very last leaf has sense doing it twice.

8. We don't rake anyway, Shane just blows them into a big pile.

7. Our dogs bark at every living creature that comes near our yard.

6. They bark loud enough that you don't even have to go outside to hear them.

5. It's not unusual to see teenagers climbing our fence.

4. Sometimes those teenagers leave paper hanging from our trees & shaving cream on our driveway.

3. They usually make the most noise in the middle of the night when the rest of the neighborhood is trying to sleep.

2. Being a popular youth pastor doesn't necessarily make you a popular neighbor.

1. There are a flock of flamingos in our front yard.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Stinkin Neighboors! Maybe you could ask those teenagers to get thier houses with TP and flamingos! You can be our neighbors!