Thursday, October 11, 2007

So much to share!

Kallie started Mother's Day Out on Tuesday. Here she is on her first day. She was so excited. She's been saying forever that when she turns 4 she gets to go to 4-year-old school. She's in a class with 5 other boys. I was a little worried at first that she wouldn't like it, but I think she's holding her own. When I picked her up today her teacher commented that of course she likes it because she has 5 boyfriends! Here was the conversation in the car this afternoon:

Kallie: Mommy, know what Sam told me today?


Kallie: That he loves me.

Me: Did he say anything else?

Kallie: Yes, that he's going to marry me. But we didn't kiss.

Me: Good, you're not allowed to kiss boys.

Kallie: I'm going to marry Connor anyway. Sam doesn't know where I live.

Yep, I think she's just fine. Here's a few other pictures we took in the front yard last week.

These are the roses Shane brought home to me last week. Isn't he sweet?
Here we are at Six Flags on Monday. We decided to take a family day, a rare occasion for us lately. Here's Shane & Seth walking around in their camel packs. Those guys are two peas in a pod. I just hope they include Luke when he's big enough to care. ;) Seth rode the big roller coasters with Shane...the upside down twisty ones! And loved it.

We got Luke to wear his hat for a little while, but his head was getting sweaty & I think it was bothering him. Like I said, I'm not sure he was cut from the same mold as his Daddy & big brother. By this age Seth's hat was a permanent fixture to his head.

Seth was really sweet and helped Kallie in and out of all the kiddie rides. He pretended like he was just going on them with her as a favor, but you could tell he really wanted to.

Luke really wasn't into it. It was hot & he didn't get it that the rides were supposed to be fun.

This was Kallie's reaction to all of the fright fest skeletons & creatures that were all over the park. She loved getting her picture made with Scooby Doo & Bugs Bunny. Luke wouldn't go near them.

Seth is really into football these days. He got all dressed like this on Saturday and asked me to take his picture. He kept asking me if he looked cool enough. And he said he had to frown so he'd look cooler. I'm not sure what the hand out front means, but I'm sure it has something to do with being cool. I mean, come on, he's SIX, what will it be like when he's a teenager??


Jeni said...

Allison, that head shot of Kallie is prize-winning stuff. What an amazing shot. I mean, she's a beautiful child anyway, but you completely captured her essence. (Can a 4 yr old have essence?) Brilliant shot. Okay, I'm off to the park to try and get my kids to look that serene. I want a shot like that, too!!! =)

Alli said...

Great post Allison! Your kids are growing like weeds. I too love the shots of Kallie. She's such a cutie. It makes me want to practice my photography skills on my kids! Thanks for the inspiration!

Mary Taylor said...

Who would want to wear that FSU hat??