Saturday, February 09, 2008

Scary is definitely relative.

Both Seth & Kallie have woken up in the middle of the night with bad dreams this week. Seth was first. He called for me and I (half-asleep) stumbled into his room and found my way under his covers. He was going on about some scary men or something...enough to creep me out & quickly tell him that it was all a dream and to go back to sleep.

Two nights later Kallie yelled for me, but she was a bit more hysterical (okay, alot more). I snuggled up with her, too, and asked what her bad dream was about. One word....Swiper! (That sneaky fox!) I giggled quietly to myself before falling asleep with her. The next morning I asked her why Swiper was so scary. She said that Swiper took her little lamb, and when she tried to yell, "Swiper no swiping!" her voice wouldn't work. Now that's a nightmare, don't you think?

This is a perfect example of the difference between Seth and Kallie. It's reality versus the-world-of-Kallie-make-believe-fantasyland. I hope she doesn't grow out of it for a long time. She has an innocence about her that Seth never really had, or not for long anyway. It is so cute and so sweet.


Diane Taylor said...

I agree...I hope she doesn't grow out of it for a long time either. So sweet! Can't wait to see you in a few weeks! :)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful family you have. Hi Allison. I know you from FBC way back when. I found your blog thru a comment you left, maybe for Amy Bowman? I can't remember for sure. I have all of the sudden found quite a few blogs from people I knew once upon a time. Anyway, I just wanted to say hello and tell you what a beautful family you have!
Take care!!